Monday, January 3, 2011

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! 2011

OK, so.......It's a new year and we have all made these "Resolutions" of what we are not or what we are going to do. But,  the question is what are you "Really" going to do??? As for me I have decided that I am not going through the whole resolution thing, I'm just gonna do what I can when I can and the rest will fall into place.
This is my do what I can list.....
I want to be a better person (Not that I'm bad or anything) just want to do better.
I am going to start each day by asking God what is that I can do that will be pleasing to him.
Next, I am going to try, try, try to get better at being a mommy (to a toddler) and Not forget that I'm still a wife to my husband. I have somehow forgotten that and been so wrapped up with my daughter that I have forgot that Yes, I am still Chis' wife and I need to be a little more into him and his needs and be a better partner to him.
Now last but not least lose this 10 pounds that I have picked up over Thanksgiving and Christmas.

So those are just some of the top things, What are yours?


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